
Depth Astrology

Validate How You Roll

How do you engage the world, express and advocate for yourself? Recurring themes or blocks? The planets, signs, angles give clues on events and inner dynamics. Knowing this allows you to take better care of yourself personally and professionally.

This self-knowledge fosters

  • Sense of purpose, fulfillment, and self-agency
  • Insight on how you serve and lead, at work and home
  • Understanding of your motivation and blind spots
  • Fresh POV on your career & life transitions
Dance of Light + Shadow

In this play-work, we explore the connection between your beliefs and actions, bring the unconscious patterns to light. You’d have more self-compassion, make better choices, and step into power.

What Makes Me Unique
  • Formal in-depth training with a psychologist, focusing on astrological and archetypal insights for personal transformation
  • I apply depth psychology, shadow work to promote awareness, confidence for desired action, while integrating coaching, advising, and healing


All of you have the chance to be the hero or heroine in your own life, but the big question is, “Will you pick up the sword?”

Richard Idemon, Astrologer
Two Offerings

Once payment is confirmed, you’ll be contacted about a meeting time and completing a short Intake form, where you share your birth info, intention or specific questions about your life.

Astro Coaching

Use this self-knowledge to boost confidence and tackle a specific goal. Work with Sue, a certified professional coach and healer, to explore beliefs, identity, and action steps.

One 90-min Astro consultation + Two 45-min Coaching sessions, and audio recordings.


90-min Individual Personality Consultation

We discuss the dynamics in your birth chart, your essence, needs and drives, in context of what’s on your mind. Timing of potential shifts. Audio recording, AI summary and notes on your birth chart.


Why I Became a Depth Astrologer
At age 10, I swiped my father’s Purple Rose (Star) Chinese Astrology. I devoured the mythology on the constellations, and marveled at its attempt to explain the personality and its potential. This love affair continues – through Western astrology, formal training and practice.

Client Feedback

I’ve counted at least one world-renowned astrologer as close friend in my life, and I’ve had readings with others, but Sue Wang’s readings using AstroPsychology are wholly unique and highly helpful. Synthesizing and integrating depth psychology and astrology, Sue’s readings are tailored to the life path of the individual. They are firmly grounded in astrology and the cosmic influences impacting the person’s chart while also sensitive to personal spirituality, growth potential, and how to navigate the change inherent in life and impacted by the stars. There is power to this approach, and Sue Wang has the expertise to apply it masterfully.

Melanie Mulhall, Editor, Shaman, and Author of Living the Dream. Broomfield, CO

Sue has a keen ability of taking abstract themes around astrology and distilling that information to personable, relatable, and tangible guidance that is useful in day-to-day living. Her reading aligns my Spiritual and earthly path, I ended up feeling empowered and inspired to move forward with confidence. 

The solar return consultation was validating and insightful. The natal report provided understanding into subtle conflicts that I experience within my personality that I have often judged in the past, feeling the stress and friction. After learning more from the meeting, I understand now that the conflict is not necessarily within myself – it’s in the alignment in the chart… That awareness helps me to have more acceptance and compassion for myself, resulting in a willingness to explore different approaches on how to address some of my challenges. I feel more freedom to explore opportunities. 

Julie Starr, Intuitive Guide & Spiritual Business Coach. Boulder, CO

I highly recommend Sue’s Astropsychology work! I’ve had many types of intuitive readings over the years, and the ones that have had the most lasting impact are those that have offered some sort of structure along with the “woo.” She has a way of blending the mystical with the practical that allows for more seamless integration of the insight that helps someone connect more deeply to their Divine essence. It’s clear she has a wealth of knowledge and I’m so glad she also has found such an efficient way of sharing it with her clients!

Meghan O’Malley, MS, Holistic Life Leadership Coach. Asheville, NC

A birth chart is a complexity of numbers, degrees and planetary angles. Only one who studies astrology in depth can ever make sense of this profound and fascinating blueprint of our character, our familial traits, our purpose in this life derived from our place in the universe. With a clear sense of the psychology of human behavior coupled with a wealth of spiritual study, Sue Wang is gifted and immensely adept at tuning into personal strengths, challenges, timely situations, connecting these aspects to identify individual purpose and fulfillment. Her emotional healing background in Reiki as well enables her to decipher our bodies inner messages that we often overlook or misread in ourselves. Having a consultation with Sue is truly an uplifting experience; her peaceful and articulate manner, her wise sage, she is an extremely helpful guide. Her work is powerful and lasting.

Malia Cote, Teacher and Screenwriter. Balboa, CA

More Happy Feedback

  • Follow on Instagram for frequent Astro Tips
  • Carl Jung’s quotes on Astrology