Awaken, Rebel, Help Each Other: Aquarius

Awaken, Rebel, Help Each Other: Aquarius

I’ve had several coaching conversations where people are feeling antsy, unfulfilled, and wondering what’s next. David Bowie’s song comes to mind:

Rebel, Rebel you’ve torn your dress

Rebel, Rebel, your face is a mess

The professional or personal image (the ‘dress’ above) no longer fits. You are different from the latest version of you — there is an uneasiness about it. What will my next dress look like?

If you have spoken up about a new or unconventional way of living, or called out inconsistencies in your work culture, there’s a risk of the face being ‘a mess.’ (I’ve worked in elite universities. Yep dress torn and mess-faced.)

You have felt the dissonance. Things are no longer what they seem and your spirit pokes you in uncomfortable places. Now is a good time to access your inner Aquarius and ride the wave. How do you feel about being a rebel?

Welcome to the Aquarius season (Jan 19 – Feb 18, 2022), where the sun moves from pragmatic Capricorn to this fixed air sign. Strong-minded, eclectic, innovative, this is the energy we can use to break out of an old rut. It is motivated by liberation, intellectual challenge, and equity. Let your genius flag fly!

Aquarius theme also pertains to progressive ideals and our humanhood. We walk with each other and help each other along. Empowerment creates choice and freedom. When you advocate for yourself, you’ll advocate for others — this is authentic, grounded leadership. Consider the E in my THRIVE framework, we evolve while serving and building our community.

Pay attention to the nudge from within and above. Often after our own awakening and we are eager to share the aha’s and how-to’s. Humans are naturally group-oriented, we depend on each other for survival and advancement.

What do you want to do to spark the fire and illumination in the world?

  • What new experiences would you create for others, what is helpful for them to learn?
  • How would you feel when you create that?
  • Send light or Reiki to your belly, heart, throat, and head as you meditate for 20 minutes and see what comes up.

If you feel called to shift, here are 8 Reminders on Making Changes and Leading:

  1. You have transferable skills and life experiences that can be reused
  2. We do NOT lose our identity when we shift. We upcycle and reshape that identity
  3. Make the transition in your own mind or discuss it with trusted ones, before sharing it with the outer circle — it’ll come out with confidence and conviction
  4. Remember your why to help sustain your journey: the noble goal of freeing yourself and helping others
  5. Going cold turkey is a courageous thing; so are small steps, as long as you are going toward your dream
  6. Grace and self-compassion also sustain your journey
  7. Check in often with your heart and values, the ‘non-negotiables’
  8. When in doubt, ask ‘How does this serve the highest good?’


Playing Big: Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Create, and Lead by T. Mohr. Insightful, accessible ways to make positive life changes. The section on how some hide themselves from public is interesting.

Breakdown, Breakthrough: The Professional Woman’s Guide to Claiming a Life of Passion, Power, and Purpose by K. Caprino. It acknowledges the challenges in the workplace and life, and offers strategies on empowered living.

The Most Powerful You: 7 Bravery Boosting Paths to Career Bliss by same author. It identifies 7 power gaps professional women face and joyful ways to reconnect with life’s dream.

Embrace Abundance: A Proven Path to Better Health, More Wealth, and Deeply Fulfilling Relationships by D. May. This is to round off the selections above with a mind, body, spirit, and abundance lens, including nice practical tips.


Free THRIVE Hour Look & Leap: Plan Your Career/Life Change, Sunday, Feb 6, 2022, 1pm ET/11am MT. All the talk about shifting and it’s time to make it happen. Join our discussion on your inner nudge, mindset, and next steps. Note new time to accommodate EU & Hawaii friends.

More Volunteer Request It was informative and fun to do intuitive readings for several wonderful people last time. Seeking 2 new peeps who have a specific life questions, in exchange for feedback.

Much love and mojo for living an awakened life,
