Category: Astrology

Awaken, Rebel, Help Each Other: Aquarius

I’ve had several coaching conversations where people are feeling antsy, unfulfilled, and wondering what’s next. David Bowie’s song comes to mind: Rebel, Rebel you’ve torn your dress Rebel, Rebel, your face is a mess The professional or personal image (the ‘dress’ above) no longer fits. You are different from the latest version of you —…
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Solstice, Fulfillment, Building What Lasts: Capricorn

Warmest greetings during the holiday season! Are we having fun yet, in the darkest time of the year (N. Hemisphere)? Joking aside, let’s appreciate how much we’ve accomplished this year. Real effort deserves real acknowledgement, whether it’s launching a new project at work, helping a family member in need, or keeping your life together in…
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Our True Self & Values: Sagittarius

I slather foot cream on my hands, thinking is this for real? The dryness in the Rockies, cracks and sandpaper feel on my fingertips from packing and cleaning, calls for innovative measures. I applied my THRIVE framework and made a big change. Two weeks ago, we began a swift move back to Colorado. An unplanned…
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Power Dynamics and the Shadow: Scorpio

Have you ever wondered, how can I get out of that conflict unscathed or with a win-win? As the sun moves to emotionally focused Scorpio on October 23, I invite you to dig deeper with me. Autumn is in full swing in the Northern Hemisphere. Dry leaves float from the sky and crunch under our…
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Life Lessons on Relating and Networking: Libra

How do we connect with others these days? In the pandemic we have learned to go hybrid with most interactions. Some things are still tried and true though. We are social beings and connecting with others bring a sense of belonging personally, professionally, and spiritually. The sun had moved into the social sign of Libra…
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Redefine Hard Work: Virgo

I didn’t mean to turn into a pumpkin at midnight, like Cinderella’s coach — but I did. I was all psyched to create programs and groups after getting the coaching certifications, then poof, I was Sue the menopausal person chumping on carbs while watching reruns into wee hours of the night. I had this post…
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