Category: Astrology

Good Enough: Don’t Ignore the Flags

  “Oh you need to take my new class. You are ready.” The guru looks at me with disapproval since I confess I hadn’t done her meditation program yet. This and the promise that what she teaches is newer (better) than the ancient art of Reiki hooked me. Hay House promotes the guru’s 12 week video program for…
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Hello, Sidewalk

For a moment I thought wow, I can fly. Then it hurt. I hit the ground during a slow run. My wrists, elbow, knees bounced off the concrete and my head whipped backward -good thing it was attached to the neck. The little flip phone I held went airborne too. Its back cover popped off.…
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Voting is Connecting

What. A. Privilege. The sky is blue, crisp; the air…whiffs of bacon…in downtown Boulder. I entered the courthouse to vote this morning. After ID’ing myself, I got a ballot in my hands. Finally, I get to say my piece in this election. In a swing state, no less. The significance of the moment overwhelms and excites…
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The Beauty of Being Predictable

Call me anal. Predictability allows me to be unpredictable.  I go on a bike ride on the same path. I turn around at the same place. I know where I am going, I have my trusty water bottle. It is a beautiful ride. I’d stop with my camera and snap away, taking time to wonder and…
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