Category: Coaching

Reflect, Cultivate a Resonant Life

Exactly a year ago, I boarded a 12-seater prop plane in New Hampshire to move back to Colorado. The size of the aircraft evoked some fear, that as a 3-year-old I had flown during a typhoon. I threw up amid the turbulence and nightmares of falling from the sky ensued. I texted my Ma a…
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Know Our True Voice: Lessons from Silence

Have you ever said to yourself: I’ll clean up my act when I reach a goal? Or, once I get there, I can relax? While doing this short term might work, I learned that it’s not sustainable. I had the opportunity to be very quiet and sit with myself for days. A bad cold rendered…
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body of water during dawn

Allow, Surrender, and Boundaries: Pisces

Today is the second time that we bowed out of a bidding war for a house. It is the story of years 2020+ in America. Working from home is plausible and many want a lovely place to live and work. Make sense and it’s a feeding frenzy, putting to test my faith in the universe…
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Power Dynamics and the Shadow: Scorpio

Have you ever wondered, how can I get out of that conflict unscathed or with a win-win? As the sun moves to emotionally focused Scorpio on October 23, I invite you to dig deeper with me. Autumn is in full swing in the Northern Hemisphere. Dry leaves float from the sky and crunch under our…
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Life Lessons on Relating and Networking: Libra

How do we connect with others these days? In the pandemic we have learned to go hybrid with most interactions. Some things are still tried and true though. We are social beings and connecting with others bring a sense of belonging personally, professionally, and spiritually. The sun had moved into the social sign of Libra…
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Redefine Hard Work: Virgo

I didn’t mean to turn into a pumpkin at midnight, like Cinderella’s coach — but I did. I was all psyched to create programs and groups after getting the coaching certifications, then poof, I was Sue the menopausal person chumping on carbs while watching reruns into wee hours of the night. I had this post…
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