Category: Selfcare

Power Dynamics and the Shadow: Scorpio

Have you ever wondered, how can I get out of that conflict unscathed or with a win-win? As the sun moves to emotionally focused Scorpio on October 23, I invite you to dig deeper with me. Autumn is in full swing in the Northern Hemisphere. Dry leaves float from the sky and crunch under our…
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Life Lessons on Relating and Networking: Libra

How do we connect with others these days? In the pandemic we have learned to go hybrid with most interactions. Some things are still tried and true though. We are social beings and connecting with others bring a sense of belonging personally, professionally, and spiritually. The sun had moved into the social sign of Libra…
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Redefine Hard Work: Virgo

I didn’t mean to turn into a pumpkin at midnight, like Cinderella’s coach — but I did. I was all psyched to create programs and groups after getting the coaching certifications, then poof, I was Sue the menopausal person chumping on carbs while watching reruns into wee hours of the night. I had this post…
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Play, Create, Shine: Leo

“What are you going to do with it?” My colleague asked when I told her I bought a tambourine for my birthday. It startled my enthusiasm. “Play it?” I quipped, “make noise?” Did I miss something? “That’s a great idea for a Christmas present for my nephew,” She said. I felt childish mentioning the tambourine.…
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Nurture the Home Within: Cancer

Happy Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere! The sun has reached the home, family, roots-oriented sign of Cancer on June 20, 2021. Of the water element and ruled by the quick-changing moon, Cancer the crab is sensitive, receptive, protective of its tender innards. It represents the mother. At times moody, this archetype acts to nurture…
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Optimize the Monkey Mind: Gemini

Have you ever come up with to-do lists in bed? Many of us have hung out unwillingly with the Monkey Mind, the Buddhist term for unsettled, restless inner chatter. Often we just want to plan ahead or figure something out so we can proceed. Somehow overwhelm sails in as if the monkeys multiplied. How can…
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