Get Ready

Get Ready

Optimize Your Energy Healing Session

It is time to relax; give your mind and body a rest. Here are steps to prep for your session.

  1. Quiet please. All electronics off. Phone on airplane mode. NO wireless ear buds/air pods.
  2. Unless arrangement made to get grounded online at start of session – turn off all notifications.
  3. Follow your intuition on whether to allow pets in the room. Most animals like healing energy.
  4. Recline or lie down
  5. GROUNDING: Envision a column light going from the base of your spine to the center of the earth. Take a moment and feel the connection.
  6. PROTECTION: Picture violet or Archangel Michael’s light surrounding you, to only let in energy that serves your highest good to come through.
  7. Be open to receive

I will do the grounding and protection for you as well. I use these techniques everyday as a meditative practice.


  • If session is after mealtime, eat a light meal
  • Okay to fall asleep – the energy healing will work anyway
  • If any sensation emerges, relax and let it pass through your body
  • Helpful for staying relaxed in session: Jonathan Goldman’s Chakra Clearing album on YouTube. (See if you like it before the session.)
  • Make sure notifications are off on your device, if you’ll be streaming.
  • You can buy/download the music here. It’s exactly what I play during the energy clearing session. I’ve used it for years as a Reiki practitioner, writer, and stretch with it. Very centering and inspiring.

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