Nurture the Home Within: Cancer

Nurture the Home Within: Cancer

Happy Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere! The sun has reached the home, family, roots-oriented sign of Cancer on June 20, 2021. Of the water element and ruled by the quick-changing moon, Cancer the crab is sensitive, receptive, protective of its tender innards. It represents the mother. At times moody, this archetype acts to nurture and ensure emotional safety. If its sensibility is crossed, the claws come out and the crab retreats inside the shell.

We all have crabby moments. (In fact, we all have energies of the 12 zodiac signs.) It’s helpful to dialogue with our inner world and nurture it — even invoke the crab metaphor as needed. Trust the intuition, disengage, and retreat for self-protection or boundary setting. The key is to come back out after reflection and some good self-love.

Grab a pen and a piece of paper, and explore your inner home using my T.H.R.I.V.E. framework:

T: the Tao, the flow or chi inside: What gives you energy? What drains it? What energy do you allow into your inner world? How do you discern what or who gets in? How do you roll?

H: Harmony, more than ‘balance,’ is how your gifts and vulnerabilities work with each other. What are you good at and what values are vital to you? How can you use these to support your challenges? i.e. I’m an advocate for ideas or people when they resonate with my values of freedom and integrity. I can use this strength to speak up, stand up to someone externally or the critical voice inside.

R: Renewal, relaxation and regeneration. What will you do to slow down so you can feel yourself? What would you do for your well-being in a free afternoon?

I: Initiative, taking informed action on your behalf – from what identity/lens? Do you need to set boundaries or clear the air with a loved one? What would help you feel empowered to do so?

V: Vision, the big picture on the Home Within. What would your comfortable, at-home Self look like? What would you be doing?

E: Evolution, growth, communities, and ways to contribute. What kind of connections do you want to forge in life? To what community would you seek to belong? What do you need to learn in order to be a part of that? How would you like to impact others after nurturing your Self?

Any surprises about your inner landscape? As you find your voice, go forth with authenticity and intention. Your crab shell contains your brilliant self and you can come home to it anytime.

Download THRIVE mini-workbook!


Radical Acceptance: Embracing Your Life with the Heart of a Buddha, by T. Brach. *Non-religious* Getting off the trance of the same old and awakening to what is, away from shame and self-hatred. “Every time we betray ourselves by not seeing our goodness, we break our heart.”

Sensitive is the New Strong: The Power of Empaths in an Increasingly Harsh World, by A. Moorjani. A primer for living from someone who returned from a Near Death Experience. It validates creatives and sensitives’ state of being and offers mindsets and tips to flourish. “Without self-love we remain doormats no matter how much spiritual work we do.”

The Gift of an Ordinary Day: A Mother’s Memoir, by K. Kennison. This is a real writer whose descriptions of her environments, feelings and thoughts are so well put together that it’s relaxing to read. “The landscape is drawn in bold, beautiful colors by all the valiant, loving women who have preceded me into this unfamiliar country called surrender.”

Lessons: My Path to a Meaningful Life by G. Bundchen. Yes, that supermodel. I love her discipline, excellence, down-to-earth and spiritual way of living. Mother nature is her church and her wisdom is practical. “Without the masculine energy, I won’t be able to accomplish my goals. Without the feminine energy, I lack empathy, compassion, consideration, and perspective.”

Enter the Castle: An Inner Path to God and Your Soul by C. Myss. The metaphor of the Castle with floors of rooms as the Home Within; wisdom abound about connecting to the Divine. Can be religious or spiritual. “I cross the bridge into the silent bliss of my Castle. I close the drawbridge and forbid all outside influences from entry into this holy place that is my soul.”

Which book(s) speak to you? Please share in the comments.


  • Certified! I got the nod from Co-Active Training Institute, after 200+ hours of training, 100+ hours of coaching, and an oral exam. Thanks to my awesome clients thus far! You’ve contributed to those hours and my mastery. Your intention to live an empowered life continues to inspire me.
  • Appreciations to those who volunteered for the market research — great information gained and we had chats on life purpose and challenges, integrating topics such as the mind-body connection, Pluto placement in a birth chart, inner child, ancestors. This is so exciting for me and empowering for the clients.
  • With the certification done, I feel lighter and creative about weaving together energy healing, intuitive reading, psychological astrology, career development, and coaching. Ideas are brewing. Feel free to contact me with suggestions!
  • Free, live 90-minute talk on Astrology and Self-Expression. I’ll present at my friend and fellow coach, Tamra Stanish’s workshop series on Saturday, July 10, 10am EDT. Register (You can opt out of that mailing list after the event.)

May we enjoy the light and growth this summer!
