How Pâté Changed My Life: Relating to My Body

How Pâté Changed My Life: Relating to My Body

[10.16.24] Berries became my buddies when I learned about foie gras/pâté, the delicacy made from duck liver.

It’s Libra season (9/22-10/22) – the energy supports themes of relationship and balance. Here’s a story on my relationship with my body when its equilibrium was off.

At the end of June, I went to the doc for an obligatory checkup after a five year gap.

Other than being tired at times, I felt fine walking 3-4 miles/day in the sun, sometime more. The test results were a surprise. Elevated levels of triglycerides, LDL (liver issues) and low in thyroid hormone (low energy).

In a follow-up visit, the doc relaxed when I stopped asking questions and agreed to take a thyroid pill; supposedly it can help lower the LDL too. But she couldn’t describe how I’d feel better.

I got the prescription but didn’t put it in my mouth. I wanted to learn more about the thyroid, the regulator of the body. In hearing my angst, a dear friend suggested trying the medication – if I didn’t want that, go low-carb. She explained how ducks’ livers were fattened by a high-carb diet, for pâté.

Poor ducks. The mental image was enough for me to go cold turkey on pasta, rice, ice cream, chips, popcorn, fried food, and gummy bears. Berries (low-carb) became a stable in my fridge.

I prided myself on walking/hiking, even in 90+F degree weather (turned out that was the reason for the fatigue). I ate organic, gluten-free, no alcohol/caffeine. The idea of permanently taking a chemically-made pill didn’t gel with me.

On my walks, I talked to my thyroid.

Me: What’s wrong, thyroid?

I’m asleep.

Me: Why? I need you to regulate the body and organs.

Other people are running your body/mind. I don’t need to be awake.

Me: Who are running my body/mind?

Your teachers, parents, and now, partner.


Me: What? No, no. You and I, we run the show. I hold you in healing light.

Huh, okay.

In two days, the thyroid (5th chakra: regulation) went from a closed, tight ball in my mind (6th chakra: intuition) to a butterfly, the shape it naturally was. Apparently, my default inner algorithm of pleasing others was still in tact. A lot of release took place.

I engaged a naturopath who ordered more precise thyroid tests and a lipid panel. 8 weeks later, after sugar withdrawals and pasta-envy, the LDL and triglyceride dropped significantly. The thyroid was text-book normal. Low-carb did the trick for me.


  1. Sometimes it takes a shock to make changes.
  2. A mental image is a convenient motivator.
  3. Saying no to treats at first sucked. But saying yes to healing and a better way of life was worth it. I lost weight too. Lighter, clearer.
  4. Being and doing differently takes will, dedication, and self-love.
  5. Our bodies communicate in symptoms, and it’s up to us to decipher the message.
  6. It’s vital to have liked-mined allies, friends, healthcare professionals who resonate with our wellness goals and values.

This is not medical advice – I want to share an alternative POV. Trust that the body wants to heal and has a process to do so. We can help it. We have more power and resources than we think.

There’s a full moon on 10/17 (completion/illumination) in assertive, courageous, and action-oriented Aries. Also in play is a frustrating cosmic dynamic, (i.e. starting things in 4 different ways, hard feelings, conflicts, breakdowns).

My questions for you:

What is the one change you really want make? What is needed for it to happen?

May your desires manifest,



Free THRIVE Hour Sun, Oct 27, 1pm ET Truth AND Dare: Making the Leap Affirm YOUR values and goals before the frenzy (and less sunlight) during the holidays. Let’s talk about what you really want and how you’ll get it. Bring in the mind, body, and spirit as allies! Decision making, intuition, and of course, the logical. Guided meditation for relaxation and insights. Register at the link above.

Reiki Class and Attunement Recently I’ve had the joy and honor to teach Reiki, raising the vibration for folks who want to heal themselves and others. It’s even more awesome now that I’ve been a practitioner for almost 12 years. Please contact me about 1:1 classes.


Confidence Gap: A Guide to Overcoming Fear and Self-Doubt – The author, a physician and a therapist writes about feeling fear and do it anyway, until we gain confidence from experience. That fear is present in anything new we try. “Self-acceptance trumps self-esteem.” “True success is living by your values.”

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