Use Reiki Anytime
Why learn or get certified for Reiki?
Help yourself, others, or pets deeply relax and get centered whenever you feel called to. Anyone who’s open to Reiki can learn to give a treatment. Once attuned, you can use it immediately.
The Reiki attunement permanently raises your vibration, opens you spiritually and psychically. It is a gentle and compassionate energy that benefits both the practitioner and client when used.
What is a Reiki attunement?
An attunement is an initiation which involves meditation and receiving Reiki symbol(s) from a teacher, in this case Sue, a Certified Usui Reiki Master Teacher. Before the ceremony, the student gains knowledge and principles on intended level of training.
With Sue, special attention is paid to mind-body connection and using intuition when giving Reiki. A short practice session follows the attunement to promote usage.
*Students receives a manual and certificate for completion of each level.
Certification Classes
Offering 3 levels of Reiki attunement. When you advance to the next level, you will receive new symbols for more ways to use Reiki and amplify its effectiveness. Virtual attunement works great.
Level 1
Learn history of Reiki, its principles, and how to conduct a session. Emphasis on the chakra system and mind-body connection. Receive the power symbol to give Reiki to yourself, pets, and others. Recommended for everyone age 12 and above.
Level 2
Receive the emotional and distant healing symbols. Learn to discern, release emotional blockage, treat unwanted habits, and send Reiki remotely, as it transcends time and space. Use a proxy (teddy bear or doll) to visualize the chakras and channel your healing intentions. Setting up a Reiki practice is discussed.
Level 3a
What does it mean to be a Reiki Master? Embody Reiki, use it like second nature. The master symbol enlightens, protects, amplifies the power of the healing energy. Topics include microcosmic meditation, connection with your Reiki guides, usage of Tibetan Antahkrana symbols, and creating a Reiki grid.
Have been attuned for Reiki before? Re-awaken and vitalize the Reiki energy within. A refresher on techniques and symbols, with attention to using intuition.
Contact Sue about Reiki Certification
About Sue
- Certified Reiki Master, 2012. Contributor and Summit Presenter for Reiki Rays community. Past Member, International Association of Reiki Professionals
- Sue’s Self-care with Reiki eBook and Career Success Using Reiki online course
- Experience Energy Healing with Sue
- What clients say about working with Sue
- How Reiki helps Sue
- What is Reiki?
- More on Sue