
Coach & Healer

Rebel with a Cause, Now Trauma-Informed

After a shocking loss of a newborn and being a newer mom, my old ways of perfecting crashed my body. I was angry and barely surviving the day. There were many dark nights of the soul. I reluctantly looked at my scared inner child and took care of her. This ordeal awakened my heart and intuition.

It starts inside. The relationship with ourselves is the most important one. As an empath who found herself by walking through fire, I coach unique people to see and feel their gifts, and connect to their power.

When we are centered and energetically aligned, confidence appears and intentions manifest. In this process, something is healed — we can do what we couldn’t before, or do it better.

This healing brings freedom. Free to express our soul mission through meaningful work.

Many of us accomplish ‘life’ by using habits and techniques we developed as children. Some of these ways are outdated and sabotaging. How do we find the strength and wisdom to shift? I bring a lightness to this sacred exploration. My clients emerge with courage, authenticity, and purpose.

What I do now is motivated by service and inspired by my journey, detailed in my memoir. I had to go rogue to heal, stepping out of the traditional, logical world and wade into beliefs, energy, and intuition. Through mind, body, spirit, I claimed lost parts of me.

I became Whole. I trust myself. I embody my values and live my essence.

I want to help you do the same.

Come alive with me.

Magic to Get at Your Joy

There’s freedom in knowing why we are here and having the fortitude to walk the path. I blend the spiritual and practical to support your agency and expansion.

E.A.S.E. Approach

Intentional being and doing — creates flow and progress. We clear and release angst energetically, explore the dynamic within, and integrate the Self. Confidence emerges.

E: Energy. Body. Spirit. Baseline.

A: Acknowledgement. Validation. Heart.

S: Self. Perspective. Mind. Integration.

E: Evolved action. Fulfillment.

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Training & More

Stay in touch + a workbook for self-dialog via my THRIVE framework!

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.

— Carl Jung, Psychologist & Astrologer